Health & Safety

First Aid - All Gymnastics NZ qualified coaches have current first aid certificates and have access to first aid resources. 

Balcony Floor/Viewing Area - Parents are welcome to spectate from the second floor balcony.   For safety reasons we ask that parents do not enter into the main floor area or talk to children over the balcony (an accident is more likely to occur if a child is looking up and distracted from the activity they are participating in). 

Drop Off & Pick Up - Please escort your children into and out of the building.  Please ask your children to remain in the building until collection and do not ask them to meet you in the carpark.

Illness, Head Lice and Other Medical Conditions - please call or email the office if your child will be absent from the session booked.  We are most appreciative of those parents who keep their children at home when they are unwell to avoid the spread of infections. Please let the office or Lead Coach know if there is any medical condition and/or allegery that needs to be notified for the safety and wellbeing of your child and others.

Feedback - we welcome your feedback, both positive and constructive.  To ensure our programmes are delivered to a high standard, please provide your feedback either to the office or to the manager via email